
Michael Rivera

如果你喜欢为你的孩子提供健康的食物,不用担心。 可以为生日聚会选择健康的食物。 看看我们为你准备的选择吧。


1 - 小杯中的水果



2 - 棍子上的冷馅饼


这种类型的小吃对于夏天的聚会或炎热的日子来说非常有趣。 健康又美味!

3 - 意大利面条

在儿童聚会上提供迷你份的意大利面条如何? 搭配肉酱或切碎的新鲜番茄,会很受客人的欢迎。

4 - 番茄和鹌鹑蛋条



5 - 盐渍胡萝卜纸杯蛋糕

这款纸杯蛋糕由胡萝卜和帕玛森奶酪制成,上面涂有奶油奶酪糖霜。 所有的客人都会喜欢它,即使是大人也不例外!

6 - 明胶子弹

准备工作与传统明胶相同,但诀窍是使其更难用手吃。 为了实现这一点,将无味明胶与有色明胶混合。

方块准备好并冷却后就可以切了。 充分利用色彩和味道。

7 - 迷你汉堡包

这种汉堡有什么特别之处? 你选择馅料,应该是健康和美味的。

没有工业化的肉类或多余的脂肪。 用欧芹、喜马拉雅岩盐和淡淡的黑胡椒调味的瘦牛肉末如何?


8 - 水果和巧克力块

将牛奶或半甜巧克力在蒸锅中融化,然后将水果棒浸入其中。 外壳看起来很诱人,孩子们吃起水果来也会口水直流。

9 - 巴纳尼哈与巧克力

香蕉配上巧克力和花生酱是相当不错的甜点。 除了有营养之外,还会很美味!这是很好的!

用爱来装饰这些好东西,并把它们放在桌子上。 将很难有剩余的东西来讲述这个故事...

See_also: 71个简单、便宜、有创意的复活节提醒

10 - 蜂蜜棒棒糖


See_also: 20个烧烤项目,让你获得灵感

你认为这些健康的生日聚会食物技巧如何? 分享一下吧!

Michael Rivera
Michael Rivera
Michael Rivera is an accomplished interior designer and writer, well-known for his sophisticated and innovative design concepts. With over a decade of experience in the industry, Michael has helped countless clients transform their spaces into stunning masterpieces. In his blog, Your Best Decorating Inspiration, he shares his expertise and passion for interior design, offering readers practical tips, creative ideas, and expert advice to create their own dream homes. Michael's design philosophy revolves around the belief that a well-designed space can greatly enhance a person's quality of life, and he strives to inspire and empower his readers to create beautiful and functional living environments. Combining his love for aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability, Michael encourages his audience to embrace their unique style while incorporating sustainable and eco-friendly practices into their design choices. With his impeccable taste, keen eye for detail, and commitment to creating spaces that reflect individual personalities, Michael Rivera continues to captivate and inspire design enthusiasts around the world.